Sponsor a Child

Sponsor a Child

Alaleeaid’s sponsorship initiatives offer underprivileged children the essential care and encouragement required for not just survival, but also for flourishing throughout their childhood and into adulthood. Central to our sponsorships is the emphasis on education. Whether it’s orphan sponsors facilitating schooling, meals, and medical assessments, Hifz sponsors laying the groundwork for Islamic education among impoverished children, or supporters aiding children with disabilities to access specialized care and assistance, our aim is to enable their growth and success despite adversities.

The Messenger of Allah (saw), himself an orphan, was the embodiment of kindness, compassion, and respect towards children. As his Ummah, let us follow his example and support and empower some of the most disadvantaged young people in the world.

Sponsor a child with disabilities.

In Yemen, Kashmir or Pakistan to ensure the future of a child, no matter the obstacles and challenges they face. You can help a child attend a special needs centre in Pakistan, the only school for the deaf in Somalia, or an educational and support center in Yemen for children with cerebral palsy.

The students will be given an education and learning that is tailored for them, surrounded by the support they need. They will also be provided with transportation and food, depending on their circumstances.

Sponsor a Child