Health for All

Health for All

A global environment in which every child enjoys good health.


Globally, children from the most impoverished households face a disproportionately higher risk of premature death compared to their wealthier counterparts, with twice the likelihood of succumbing before reaching their fifth birthday. Despite advancements, vulnerable children endure persistent health adversities reminiscent of decades past. Alarmingly, nearly half of all deaths among children under five occur during infancy, with preventable diseases like pneumonia, diarrhea, and malaria still claiming numerous young lives. Moreover, almost half of vaccine-preventable deaths are attributed to children who have not yet received routine vaccinations, known as zero-dose children.


Alaleeaid organization confronts these stark realities with targeted health interventions aimed at tackling the primary causes of illness and mortality among children under five. Emphasizing family- and community-centered strategies, our approach revolves around fostering behavioral shifts, bolstering community and health systems, and advocating for change at multiple levels to disrupt the cycle of vulnerability.


Aligned with Sustainable Development Goal 3, which strives for universal health and well-being, our efforts are deeply rooted in collaboration with families, communities, and partners. By addressing immediate health concerns and contributing to the broader global objective of achieving universal health coverage, we remain steadfast in our commitment to enhancing the overall well-being of vulnerable children worldwide.

Health for All